provelio services

Digital Estates Management

OPAL integrates all existing estate data sources into a single, user-friendly platform, eliminating the need for new software. It provides a holistic, data-informed approach to digital estates management, empowering decision-makers to identify the best solutions for their properties. 


OPAL – Digital Estates Management

Estates Management offers a comprehensive digital platform that consolidates all estate performance data in one place, providing clear insights into complex estate issues. Estates generate fragmented data that often leads to isolated thinking and operations, making it difficult to understand performance and make strategic decisions.

There are many property management tools, but they focus on one function of the estate such as space, ,maintenance, carbon and compliance. OPAL encompasses ALL these functions of the estate, and then integrates them within the three primary pillars of digital estates management:

Estates Baseline – Understanding the true performance of your estate

Scenario and Decision Engine – Compare strategic choices with real-time data

Digital PMO -Control and monitor programmes and projects

This means that strategic decision-makers can have transparent access to the entire estate management process from start to finish. OPAL can be used at senior team level and within the project management office, property development or asset management teams.

opal - digital estates management

What does OPAL do?

OPAL captures and integrates your business data, enabling optimal and transparent decisions about property assets.

Estates Baseline

Generates an Operational Dashboard that provides a baseline overview of the entire estate.

Offers a variety of filters to view and analyse data from all existing functions, allowing you to holistically assess estate performance, including space utilisation, building condition, carbon performance, and running costs.

Scenario and Decision Engine

Strategically evaluate planned estates interventions, scenarios and investments.

Automatically import the operational data model into a sandbox environment to test intervention projects with real-time estates data.

Understand consequences of different scenario’s, using built-in benchmarking playbooks, including space utilisation, carbon reduction, capital costs and operational costs.

Develop multiple scenarios to demonstrate detailed, data-informed, options in the production of Business Cases and Investment Appraisals.

Digital PMO 

Provides real-time data on key areas of the project delivery such as resources, programme, cash flow, and risks.

Monitors projects, programmes, and portfolios with real time link back to investment assumptions for benefits realisation and return on investment.

Digital project tracker can be automatically populated with projects from the scenario engine or projects can be manually entered.

Provides the ability to focus on both project level data and rolled-up portfolio level data so that trends and enterprise level risks and issues can be identified.

OPAL provides insights into the current baseline and potential future scenarios using any captured dataset. Based on Provelio’s experience, the four major estate functions are: 

Space Management

Manage space more efficiently by centralising and analysing its use within the organisation.

Estates strategy.

Estates benchmarking. 

Space management and utilisation. 

Space charging. 


Ensure compliance with regulations by meeting statutory safety and legislative requirements. 

Fire, Air Handling and air systems, Water and water hygiene

Gas, Lifts, Motors, generators & UPS

Specialist systems (e.g. labs, home office licences)


Make maintenance manageable and achievable by ensuring the estate runs smoothly and is well-maintained.

Planned maintenance. 

Backlog maintenance. 

Reactive maintenance.  


Achieve sustainability targets by controlling energy use and reducing carbon in the estate.

Carbon reporting 

Energy benchmarking.  

Carbon reduction and net zero planning. 

Energy modelling.

Energy cost management 

OPAL - a Digital assistant for Estates Management

Transformational Decision-Making Approach

OPAL will transform the way in which you think about your assets in the property and estate environment. Decision-makers are presented options and choices with clear understanding of the source and nature of the data that is being used. This allows for essential critical thinking and scenario testing from a rigorous and robust position. It will not only answer where you are, but also choices of where to go, monitor the progress and then continue to ensure that the assumed benefits and returns in the business case are realised. 

OPAL has helped solve the following worries and concerns for senior teams in all manner of private and public sector organisations: 


OPAL - A Digital Assistant for Estates Management - the benefits

Integrating all aspects of the estate function

By bringing all of the key pillars and functional silos together this digital estates management tool uses the data to ensure that decisions are as comprehensive as possible. The system architecture provides further benefits beyond those already identified: 

Scalability and flexibility

You can use some or all its functionality, as well as requesting further bespoke modules.

Data security

OPAL data is stored securely in Azure database for controlled access for your team and Provelio.

Assurance and monitoring

Whether for audit or investment and funding purposes.

Speed of implementation

You will see meaningful outputs within a business quarter.

Maturity plans

Recommendations for future improvements to enhance data quality and estates management skills maturity.

Cost effectiveness

No need for investment in hardware or specialist software. All you need is readily available within normal business software.


All outputs are presented in visually engaging manner for ease of use and understanding across all levels of the organisation.

Benchmarking and KPIs

By agreement you can opt in to be part of estates management benchmarking group for annual report on estate management best practice.

Lessons learnt

A ready to use lessons learnt approach that can be used for strategic planning of enterprise level improvements.

Collaboration and teamwork

OPAL requires that the team share knowledge, and this creates a positive unifying goal for all involved.

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In Just 30 Minutes You Will See…

What OPAL doesOPAL is a digital estates management tool. It is a digital assistant that helps strategic decision-makers optimise their property and estate assets and data. It integrates all aspects of estate management, from investment and business cases to capital project delivery, to operations and facilities management. 

How OPAL transforms decision-making – OPAL enables transparent and critical thinking about the estate, by providing options and choices based on reliable data. It allows for scenario testing, prioritisation, risk and issue management, compliance assurance, and benefits realisation. 

The benefits of using OPAL- OPAL offers scalability and flexibility, data security, assurance and monitoring, speed of implementation, maturity plan, cost effectiveness, visualisation, benchmarking, lessons learnt, and collaboration and teamwork. 

What the further applications of OPAL are – OPAL can also support with various estate-related scenarios, such as cost rationalisation, growth and expansion, consolidation, space utilisation, decant planning, carbon reduction, due diligence, fund monitoring, whole life modelling, and capability costing.

For further information on OPAL and what it can do for your estate, please have a look at our latest guide.

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