Estates Visualisation
Download a copy of our Estates Visualisation guide to learn how to take a data-driven approach to strategic estates management.
Estates Visualisation is an innovative approach to understanding an organisations operational data and performance. It aims to help organisations with unlocking and identifying the future requirements of their estate and business. Through the collection and analysis of estates data, organisations can visualise complex estate problems and justify future decision making. It is designed to simplify your analytical processes and create a unified approach to strategic estates management
Topics covered in this new guide
Within this guide, Provelio introduces the concept of estates visualisation and how it can transform your organisations established approach to estates management. With the concept established, Provelio explain the extensive benefits and illustrate the various solutions that data visualisation can provide. Through proven experience, we explain how data can be used to optimise your estate. These useful solutions include:
Long-term Maintenance
Utilising data to model the estate or buildings allows organisations to visually understand the extent of their maintenance projects.
Carbon Reduction
Ensure carbon reduction is undertaken in conjunction with the wider commitments of the organisation’s capital and maintenance programmes.
Space Utilisation
Collecting, analysing, and visualising data on space utilisation allows organisations to better understand the performance of their space.
Capital Programme Prioritisation
Collecting data on other estates functions such as procurement, maintenance, energy, and space enables a wider visualisation tool to be generated that identifies how projects should be prioritised.
Useful Resources
Provelio research, insights and guidance on how you can change your organisation and projects for the better. All available now to download for free.

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