Digital NHS Estates Management
A digital assistant that enables strategic estates management. Decision-makers are able to determine optimum solutions from their property and estates assets and data.
- Supports business case production
- Monitors building compliance
- Prioritises back-log maintenance
- Fully costs the estate
- Manages and assesses risks
- Customisable Project Dashboards

Simplify Strategic Decision-Making through Digital NHS Estates Management
The NHS Estate, encompassing hospitals, clinics, and administrative buildings, holds a crucial position in healthcare service provision. Constantly evolving, it must adjust to shifting spatial and service requirements of hospitals. This perpetual transition necessitates adaptations to accommodate changes in healthcare delivery models, including space reconfiguration, creation of new healthcare facilities, and the integration of digital advancements. These factors create challenges regarding the decision making associated with the operational and estate management of an NHS estate. Understanding these factors and their interconnectivity is crucial for creating a system which can enable effective decision making for the Trust. The Chief Executive, the Finance Director, the Director of Estates, and all other parties who must jointly make complex, interconnected decisions will benefit from enhanced performance leading to transformational decision making.
In our latest publication we explain how the digitisation of operational and estates data can automate the arduous work required by the senior team and ensure they have robust information for scenario planning. The speed with which this thinking can be carried out is already impressive and will continue to improve as the technology and associated databases grow.
NHS Trusts can digitise their estate using OPAL, a powerful digital assistant that enables effective estate management for NHS Trusts through optimising the use and development of the physical assets of NHS Trusts, combined with capital and operational costs. It provides a comprehensive view of the NHS estate portfolio, allowing for data-driven decision making and scenario testing. With OPAL, NHS Trusts can optimise their estate assets, improve space utilisation, implement energy efficiency measures, effectively manage backlog maintenance, reduce costs, invest in sustainable practices, use technology and data analytics, and create partnerships and collaborations.
How we have helped others Digitise their Estates Management
Enterprise Level Cost Rationalisation
Streamlined costs, leading to department-wide budget efficiencies and informed several top executive strategies for cost management, strategic planning, and transformation timelines.
Backlog Maintenance Strategies
Integrated all estates data, including maintenance and projects, into a tool that aids in selecting and prioritising projects, leading to significant cost reductions by merging functional and delivery budgets.
Programme and Project Control System
Developed a system for efficient project and programme management that is integrated with finance systems to create custom dashboards for quick identification of issues.
Operational Sites Relocation
Devised strategic plans for relocation and rationalisation projects whilst ensuring locations could continue operating as usual.
Integrated Business Planning
Streamlined the NHS business planning process, producing outputs ready for immediate use, allowing for the evaluation of various property strategies.
Operational Excellence
Developed comprehensive control systems to unify all business function, providing clear insights into business performance, alongside finance, HR, estates, IT and other department data.

Digital Estates Management for NHS Trusts
Download a copy of our guide to find out how to ensure your estate is fire safety compliant.
Useful Resources
Provelio Research, insights and guidance on how you can change your organisation and projects for the better. All available now to download.

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