Provelio are appointed as Project Managers to deliver a new regional Orthopaedics Centre for Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust. The aim of the
Secure Drug Rooms
This project consisted of the creation of 14 new rooms in existing Ambulance Stations. These highly specialised secure facilities were designed in accordance with the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations. Provelio delivered the project throughout the design phase ensuring all fabric design was coordinated with the specialist cabinet and security suppliers and that all client design developments were captured, review and embedded in the final design once agreed by all key stakeholders.
Throughout the project the client designer visited site to review progress and highlight any issues with respect to delivering the design intent during construction. If, once the construction highlighted a change that was required to ensure the design intent (usually operational functionality) was maintained, then Provelio would manage a formal change control process that ensured these changes were captured, quickly reviewed and accepted by the client.
Provelio managed the process of interfacing with 14 building operational leads, at the height of the Covid pandemic, to ensure that the LAS drug management resilience. Provelio held formal meetings every two weeks reviewing both construction and operational issues within each station and ensuring that all key stakeholders were third parties were coordination and informed.
Provelio managed a formal handover process that consisted of a formal design review and sign off of the final rooms as meeting the clients’ requirements, settlement of any outstanding commercial matters and agreement of the final account. The handover of the rooms were delayed from their original programme due to the over-riding operational priorities through Covid but those delays were captured and highlighted to the client, through formal Exception Reports, so that the changes to the programme were reviewed, agreed and implemented.
Learn MoreThe merger aimed to create a unified institution that could offer enhanced educational and healthcare services with integrated management information. Provelio were appointed to analyse
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