Ipswich Museum

Client: Ipswich Borough Council
Sector: Heritage, Local Authority
Service: Programme and Project Management
Value: £10M

Provelio are currently appointed as Project Managers for the redevelopment of Ipswich Museum. The Grade II* listed museum was purpose built in 1881 and still holds exception geological and entomological collections, and rare Victorian taxidermy dioramas. To this day it still retains many authentic Victorian features.

The aim of the programme is to safeguard the museums future and ensure it remains functional for the next generation. The 3-year development project, which has secured National Heritage Lottery Funding, focuses on undertaking repairs to the existing museums facilities, maintenance, and M&E upgrades, along with the refurbishment of exhibition areas.

In addition to the sustainable and safeguarding upgrades, the redevelopment will also include additional gallery and educational space, a new coffee shop, improved gift shop and welfare facilities. The museum houses many nationally historically significant and priceless artefacts, therefore, carefull consideration has been given to ensure these are protected whilst the works are being undertaken.

Provelio are responsible for managing the process of carrying out capital repairs to reconfigure interior spaces and make the museum more accessible. This includes the repair and conservation of existing fabric both internally and externally, raising floor levels, installation of new lift, new external terrace, new retail and coffee shop, new heating, lighting and insulation, new office, and conservation lab. In addition, the works will include the refurbishment and reinterpretation of nine new thematic galleries including Wonders, Worlds, Journeys, Creations and a Learning Suite, Wonders Balcony, Stories, Communities, AV Theatre and Discoveries, gift shop, coffee shop and toilets.


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Local Authority Sector
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