Campus Due-Diligence

Client: City, University of London
Sector: Education
Service: Strategy and Advisory

Delivery of a fast-paced compliance audit required on the estate as part of the merger between City and St George’s University of London to ascertain lifecycle and compliance risk cost to feed into contractual discussions. This allowed the client to gain an understanding of the status of legal compliance, major backlog maintenance liabilities and the effectiveness of the current out-sourcing arrangement of estates management.


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Estates Digitisation

The project aimed to provide the university with a powerful planning tool that facilitated a rolling forecast profile encompassing diverse aspects of campus development, including

Jubilee Sports Centre

Provelio were appointed as Project Managers for the refurbishment and extension of the University’s existing multistorey sports offering on Highfield Campus. The new and improved

Education Sector
Long-term Maintenance Programme

The University of Southampton was facing a pressing issue regarding the long-term maintenance (LTM) of its aging estate. With numerous large assets showing signs of

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