Benefits of Working to a Method – Part 5 – How can we Continuously Improve what we do?

Working to a method allows you to continuously improve your organisation and service delivery. Most projects follow the same broad approach to delivery – they have a method:

  • Define requirements
  • Design solution
  • Procurement
  • Implementation
  • Handover and operation
  • Repeat….
Most businesses have similar functions and processes:
  • HR: recruitment, induction, training
  • Finance: procurement, billing, sales
  • IT: procurement, help-desks, software development
  • Property; building, buying, renting
  • Quality: assurance, audit, process

Whilst there may be aspects that are unique to each business the overall approach varies less than you would imagine.  Dom Moorhouse of Method Grid and Paul Wilson of Provelio have been working together over many years, in many different clients and sectors, to capture ways of working and identify ways to improve delivery.  Method Grid is being used by 100’s of organisations to capture “the way we do things round here” and, of interest, we have found that there are significant “best practice” similarities across sectors.

Capturing such methods allows teams to find smarter ways of working and then to see the tangible improvements that flow from this updated baseline.  Whether you are running a functional team or a project, the approach you adopt can and should be captured as it will be repeated in the future.  It is only with this captured baseline that continuous enhancement to your playbook is possible!

You can be sure that if you are in an organisation that delivers many projects, or you run a business unit, your executive team will want to know how you can do it better, quicker, cheaper and smarter in the future.  It is only if you have first captured your approach, in a simple-to-understand framework, that you can then get your team together – to identify new ways of doing things or to collaboratively identify where there are opportunities for improvement.

Simply put, having your repeatable procedures captured in Method Grid provides you with a framework/solution to think clearly and logically whilst maximising improving-creativity.

Blog Series:
  1. How can we Continuously Improve what we do?
  2. Knowledge in Professional Service Firms (PSFs)
  3. Where (and how) to Focus Management Time for Maximum Results
  4. Certainty Makes for Happy Clients
  5. Creativity and Innovation

About Natasha Richardson