The Vincent

Client: Pegasus Homes
Sector: Residential
Service: Programme and Project Management
Value: £45M

A high-profile development involving the restoration of an 18th Century House and two new contemporary terraces in the centre of Bristol. The final development consisted of 65 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, with a wellness facility, spa, pool, restaurant and basement car park. The project included the construction of two new-build blocks, the conversion of the existing QVH, soft landscaping and development of a rainwater attenuation pond.

Provelio were appointed as Project Managers for RIBA stages 5 – 7.

The project was delivered in three phases:

Phase 1: Construction of the two new-build blocks (formerly North and South Blocks and then renamed as Charlotte and Jacob) providing 40 apartments, wellness suite, guest suite and basement car park.

Phase 2: Refurbishment of the existing Queen Victoria House. The four-storey building provides 25 apartments along with communal facilities, kitchen/restaurant, and the external landscaping. This phase occurred within a live environment, as tenants for the phase 1 development elements were moving in. This required extensive communication in order to reduce the impact of disruptive works. The building itself was located within the Whiteladies Conservation Area and the garden included a Grade II listed obelisk.

Phase 3: Soft landscaping and development of a rainwater attenuation pond to the south-west corner of the site.


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Residential Sector
Supply Chain Engagement

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Residential Sector
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The Fitzroy, Falmouth

The major remediation of a later living development consisting of 34 apartments and communal facilities. The project was initially completed in June 2019 and defects

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