A high-profile development involving the restoration of an 18th Century House and two new contemporary terraces in the centre of Bristol. The final development consisted
Bradford Park Flats
The Bradford Park Flats comprises of three blocks totalling 48 flats, built in the 1960s. The existing fabric condition of the flats was very poor, and the building suffered from cold and damp in most flats, and most of the building components were life expired. Curo’s initial plans were to demolish the flats and provide a new development to link with the new adjacent development. However, public consultation demonstrated a preference for retention and refurbishment of the blocks. The flats were vacated in anticipation of redevelopment.
Provelio were appointed as Project Manager and Employers Agent for the scheme from RIBA stages 2 – 7. Our approach to safeguarding the project’s compliance with regulatory and statutory standards commenced at the outset and was iterative throughout. Once work commenced on site, a countdown to handover process was initiated focused on how the correct evidence was assembled by the contractor, that the right bodies were involved in the sign-off and that the information entered the clients asset management system in the right format. A fire strategy document was central to the project throughout, and was supplemented prior to PC with a Fire Risk Assessment undertaken by the client’s consultant.
Learn MoreThe development of luxury retirement apartments across 3 blocks. John Dower House consisted of 79 apartments and included communal lounge with kitchen, Managers Office, BoH,
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