An integrated model of the entire estate for future investments

Client: UK University
Sector: Education
Service: Property And Estates Analytics

Following an extensive period of capital investment, the university sought to turn its attention to the refreshing the existing estate in terms of maintenance, carbon reduction and compliance. Over a five-year period, the strategy reduced campus-wide emissions by 20% while maintaining full compliance with regulatory standards. 

The university faced the additional challenge of developing a procurement strategy for what needed to be procured, in what order and the extent of resources required to deliver.


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Estates Digitisation

The project aimed to provide the university with a powerful planning tool that facilitated a rolling forecast profile encompassing diverse aspects of campus development, including

Jubilee Sports Centre

Provelio were appointed as Project Managers for the refurbishment and extension of the University’s existing multistorey sports offering on Highfield Campus. The new and improved

Education Sector
Long-term Maintenance Programme

The University of Southampton was facing a pressing issue regarding the long-term maintenance (LTM) of its aging estate. With numerous large assets showing signs of

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